Dispelling Myths

Dispelling myths

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There are many disparaging articles about coal as a primary fuel and power source. Most, if not all, authors of such articles are environmentalists desirous of poisoning the minds of average people as to the value of coal, one of the most plentiful, cheapest and best energy producing materials found throughout most of the world. Such articles dwell on the toxins emitted into the atmosphere and the failure of the many processes designed to eliminate the toxins. To clarify, CTI’s management team members are also environmentalists as we very much desire clean air and water. However, we are not obstructionists and are not afraid of new ideas which translate into new technologies that provide clean air and water without dispelling the value of coal in favor of other more expensive forms of producing energy. Following is an attempt to dispel the myths associated with coal:
  • There is a dwindling supply of coal in the United States and throughout the world. FALSE. The dwindling coal supply in America is not a result of vanishing coal veins but rather strict regulations from this country’s previous administration and enforced by the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA). The truth is, mining of coal has been limited by forced reduction of coal burning in power plants. Coal is one of the world’s greatest resources and there exist numerous world-wide mines capable of re-opening or increasing existing mined coal production.
  • China is also reducing their need for coal. FALSE. Recently, to motivate China to apply pressure on North Korea’s nuclear ambitions, President Trump promised China much needed coal from the United States. North Korea is a primary source of coal for China in addition to China’s domestic supply. Wind, solar, nuclear and natural gas seem to be answers to replace coal as a primary source of power.  


  • Wind generated power is expensive and generally depends upon government subsidies. When wind is insufficient, so is the power generated from that source.
  • Solar has been dubbed as the saving power source for the state of California. Solar too is an expensive power source and only produces power during daylight hours. State commissioners have told us that the gravitation to solar energy has created many problems for the state of California.
  • Nuclear energy is extremely expensive and highly dangerous, i.e., horrific leakage in both Russia and Japan have caused many deaths and danger to human life remains long after the clean-up.
  • Natural gas appears to be a good option and currently is the cheapest of the coal alternatives. However, as supplies diminish, new exploration and drilling will be required to keep up with perceived demand. Such increased production activity will likely drive the price of natural gas to a cost surpassing coal which has existing mines and related industry ready to increase production at no increase in cost. 
  • Only highly educated engineers are capable of proprietary inventions. FALSE. We do not intend to diminish the role of engineers in any application of the sciences and subsequent inventions. However, engineers learn from books and are more adapt at working on developed processes. Many an ordinary man, simply observing problems and needs in various industries, have been willing to think outside the (books) box and find solutions to problems which have resulted in life-changing inventions benefitting the world’s population.
  • Coal gasification and using coal oil to burn in power plants is not efficient and does not eliminate toxic air. TRUE. Companies have tried this process and those writing articles concerning the process are negative as to the results. CTI does not gasify coal and burn the resulting oil to produce power. Our technology has nothing to do with such a process. One must not associate our company with burning coal oil to produce power.
  • Comparable technology to that of CTI already exists. FALSE. Our research reveals no technologies even remotely close to that of CTI. Other coal gasification technologies are as old as World War II. As per coal-fired power plants, coal is combusted to generate electricity and just as others are combusting coal to gasify it. We do not burn coal! Those who combust to gasify coal outside of the CTI technology are burning off the highly valuable light ends such as gasoline, propane, etc. From such an outdated process, only heavy oils and diesel remain.
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