Renuva Energy has developed a technology to remove toxins from coal before it is burned in a coal-fired power plant, resulting in a clean-burning char which still produces BTU values great enough to generate needed power output. Renuva Energy's technology also produces crude oil, a highly valuable and sellable byproduct. When coal is processed through Renuva's technology, the harmful toxins are drawn out of the coal in the form of vapors. When these vapors are condensed, and cooled, they form crude oil.
In our original tests, Renuva Energy has determined it can produce nearly three barrels of oil for every ton of coal processed through our technology. This amount will vary based on the quality of coal processed, how long it is processed, and at what temperature it is heated. After the coal exits our retort, most of the toxins are no longer present and the remaining coal, or char, has roughly a 75% BTU value of the original coal, but weighs 1/3 of the original weight, allowing for more char to be burned at a higher BTU value than the original coal.
One average-sized power plant uses roughly 7,500 tons of coal per day. Supplying an equivalent amount of char to equal a raw coal BTU value would result in Renuva Energy’s ability to produce 21,375 barrels of marketable crude oil per day, from just one average-sized power plant. At a price of $45 per barrel of crude oil, that equates to nearly $1MM in revenue per day at each average sized coal-fired power plant.
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